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TLI: A Year In Review

The Teaching and Leading Initiative of Oklahoma recently published its 2020-2021 annual report and we are taking the next few days to share highlights from our year.

While the pandemic brought distinct challenges, TLI stayed focused on improving student outcomes through teacher and leader coaching. We both expanded our work with school leaders and added an additional teacher coach to the team — all as we piloted virtual coaching.

TLI was able to surpass its 25% target growth goal for school leaders and its 70% mastery goal for teachers. Additionally, 90% of both teachers and school leaders will be returning to schools this upcoming year.

Below is a snapshot of TLI’s collective impact through both one-on-one coaching, and professional training for teachers and leaders, which includes multi-day workshops and short cycle coaching. Over the next few days we will spotlight these areas of work and highlight our efforts to expand educational opportunity across the state by improving the quality of teaching and leading in Oklahoma.

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