New teachers face tremendous challenges when they step foot into Oklahoma classrooms for the first…
A Year in Review: School Leader Cohort
As part of its leadership development, each year TLI selects a group of promising leaders across multiple districts to take part in a year-long, fully-funded School Leader Cohort (SLC).
SLC begins in the summer with a leader institute and continues throughout the year with weekly one-on-one coaching and 6 off-site professional development days. This year due to Covid, SLC shifted to virtual coaching and modified off-site professional development.
SLC coaches use TLI’s Leader Competency Model to assess leaders quarterly and set developmental goals that they target during weekly coaching sessions. Click here to read more about the school leader cohort in our annual report.
As an instructional leader TLI coaching helped identify content gaps for teachers and students, and where we were hitting the mark and not hitting the mark as a school.
Nicole West, Principal