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In the year of Covid: Top 5 Gifts For Teachers

Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Each year, the TLI team puts together a list of our top gifts for teachers. This year, the circumstances are a little different. Teachers are balancing Covid health concerns, managing distance learning, and working around intermittent quarantine. It’s been a rocky year and teachers deserve our gratitude more than ever.  

To make gift giving easier, our staff rounded up the favorite gifts we’re giving to the teachers in our lives–those we coach, those that teach our own children, and those we count as friends or family.

We love gifts that make daily classroom instruction easier or more effective. For the techie teacher in your life, Executive Director Jo Lein suggests a subscription to Screencast-o-matic, an easy video-making platform. For the newer teachers who are creating teaching resources for the first time, Jo likes to give a Teachers Pay Teachers gift card

For those teaching in-person, consider the physical tools that keep classrooms organized and efficient. Director of Leader Programs, Nina Fitzerman-Blues suggests a portable laminator, especially for lower elementary teachers. She also swears by these colorful flip chart markers. For the most organized teacher in your life, grab a label maker but be warned, it’s addicting.

Gifts to keep teachers safe and healthy are always appropriate, especially as Covid remains top-of-mind for many teachers. Go basic with a pack of neutral Everlane face masks and vitamin-packed Emergen-C. Or upgrade to beautifully scented hand sanitizer from  Primally Pure and a thick lotion like this one from Jenkins and Co (Tulsa) to combat the dryness from hand washing and cold temperatures.

If you want to add a touch of relaxation to an otherwise troublesome year, look for gifts with extra panache. Genean Seals, Manager of Teacher Development, suggests the Feeling Fab-A Box for a monthly reminder to take care of yourself.

 We also love to gift twig candles from The Nest. All of the 16 scents are hand-poured a short walk away from our office in downtown Tulsa. Pro-tip: Ask The Nest to gift wrap. Their fancy feather embellishments never disappoint.

Make life a little easier for teachers who are broadcasting their lessons from home. Chief of Staff Marissa King likes to keep gifts cozy with a hot water kettle for tea, mess-free snacks, and a few festive touches like this colorful fair-trade garland.

There are plenty of great options for entirely virtual gift giving this year. It’s always a crowd pleaser to send a bag of beans from your favorite local coffee shop. If you want a gift that lasts all year long, check out coffee subscriptions that mail coffee each month. We also love the Dollar Tea Club which lets you customize the amount of tea you deliver each month starting at just $1.

Not sure what to send? You can’t go wrong with a delivery service gift card like GrubHub cards or Uber Eats.

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