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20 Under 2 celebrates twenty high-performing Oklahoma teachers in their first or second year in the classroom.

Across the state, principals, veteran teachers, and district leaders submitted their top novice teachers for consideration. Each nomination was reviewed by a committee of education professionals and chosen through a multi-stage selection process. The 20 honorees were selected for outstanding classroom culture, fostering academic success, and their commitment to Oklahoma students and communities.

Read the official press release, see the 20 Under 2 group photo, and click on the honoree’s photo to access a linked headshot. You can read more about the awards on our blog. Please contact Rebecca Fine ([email protected]) for any additional information.

Abby Messick
Crooked Oak Public Schools
Abby Messick teaches English language learners at Crooked Oak Elementary. One of Mrs. Messick’s greatest strengths is her persistence and dedication to her students. Crooked Oak Elementary principal Kim Templeman says that, “Abby is a champion for second language learners. She is an advocate for her students’ academic success and works very hard to help them achieve.” Abby’s colleague adds, “Mrs. Messick’s students and their families know that she has their best interest at heart and that she values the knowledge they bring to the table.” One of Mrs. Messick’s core principles is to listen to her students’ needs and guide them to academic success through patience and perseverance. She explains, “Once I can hear my students' stories, then I can understand their needs and work to meet them to the best of my ability. It is the moments when students persevere and grow that remind me why teaching is such a fulfilling profession.” Mrs. Messick is an alternatively certified teacher in her second year of teaching. She is a graduate of Oklahoma Christian University.
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Addison Lambert
Sand Springs Public Schools
Addison Lambert is a pre-k teacher at the Sand Springs Early Childhood Education Center. One of Mrs. Lambert’s defining strengths is her ability to reflect on her practice and learn from veteran teachers. Addison’s colleague says that, “Unlike a lot of first year teachers, Mrs. Lambert isn’t afraid to ask for advice and tips. She takes every opportunity possible to make her classroom the best place for students to be daily.” Mrs. Lambert describes how she keeps a journal where she notes students’ interests, effective academic or behavioral strategies and other useful details. She explains that, “This has helped me with lesson planning, small group lessons, understanding certain behaviors, and building a better relationship with my students.” Sand Springs Early Childhood Education Center principal Morgan Douglas sums up Addison’s work as a first-year teacher saying, “Mrs. Lambert is so deserving of this recognition!” Mrs. Lambert is a traditionally certified teacher in her first year of teaching. She is a graduate of Oklahoma State University.
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Alice L. Lee
Jennings Public Schools
Alice L. Lee is a pre-K teacher at Jennings Elementary School. For each 4 or 5-year-old in her classroom, Ms. Lee has the same wish: “My goal is that every child that comes through my classroom door leaves feeling safe, secure, and wanted. I want every student to know that I love and care for them. When they know this, then they can bloom!” Even in the midst of difficult changes due to Covid, Lee has celebrated significant student growth this year. She says, “From social emotional to academics, when you look around my classroom the changes from the beginning of the year are amazing.” Jennings Elementary School principal Jay Reeves praises Lee’s teaching ability and warm classroom culture. “Mrs. Lee is a fantastic teacher. She challenges her students through hands-on activities and center play each day. Her students love her and love being in her class.” Lee is originally from Okmulgee, OK. She is traditionally certified and a graduate of the University of Oklahoma.
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Allison Kirkley
Muskogee Public Schools
Allison Kirkley is a 7th grade math and science teacher at the 7th and 8th Grade Academy at Ben Franklin. Ms. Kirkley’s principal and colleagues praise her ability to create a community of learning where students not only push themselves to meet her high expectations, but are also invested in learning from one another. Kirkley says, “My classroom is a place of growth and humor. When students and families enter my room, it is apparent that we are a team.” Kirkley’s advice for future novice teachers exemplifies the positive classroom culture she has nurtured with her students. She tells new teachers, “Look for the good in your students. It's easy to feel frustrated, but by focusing on what's working, your classroom develops into a well-oiled machine.” Principal Brian Doerner sums up Ms. Kirkley’s talents in the classroom by saying, “She puts her whole heart into working with students to meet their academic as well as social-emotional needs. She is truly the best novice teacher I have had the honor to observe in my 25 plus years in public education.” Ms. Kirkley is in her second year of teaching. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin.
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Ashli Robinson
El Reno Public Schools
Ashli Robinson is a 6th grade science teacher at the Leslie F. Roblyer Learning Center. She also coaches softball and basketball at El Reno High School. Ms. Robinson is deeply dedicated to her student’s social and emotional development in addition to their academic learning. “I believe wholeheartedly in creating an inclusive environment in the midst of diversity. I hope I am being an example of that and I have led my students in several activities to help support their mental health and confidence.” Growing up, Ms. Robinson never had a teacher who looked like her, and she is proud to step into this role for her students. Ms. Robinson’s principal and colleagues praise her talents. “While teaching science she has them dive into critical research topics on the environment or other standards. She also has led them in group kindness challenges, diversity discussions, and encourages them to be their best.” Ms. Robinson is an alternatively certified teacher in her first year of teaching. She is a graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State University.
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Blake Karr
Fort Gibson Public Schools
Blake Karr is a 5th grade reading and social studies teacher at Fort Gibson Intermediate Elementary School. Ms. Karr expertly focuses on both academic and social emotional goals in her classroom. Over 90% of her students have made growth or stayed at or above grade level in reading this year, and she has fostered greater confidence and inclusiveness through patience and empathy. “I aim to create a safe and welcoming environment within my classroom, and my students have shown great strides in being kind to others and making everyone feel included.” Ms. Karr has witnessed their growth during small moments such as when a student encouraged a more reserved classmate to participate in group work. Nothing makes her more proud than seeing these moments of thoughtfulness and inclusivity. Ms. Karr’s principal praises her teaching capacities. “As a first year teacher Blake has a handle on her classroom like someone who has been teaching 10+ years would have. She actively engages her students in learning and makes sure to keep them on their toes in her classroom, despite having a calming demeanor that makes anyone feel at home when they walk in her classroom. She is an all-around rockstar!” Ms. Karr is a traditionally certified teacher in her first year of teaching. She is a graduate of the University of Arkansas–Fort Smith.
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Caitlyn Spoonemore
Grandfield Public Schools
Caitlyn Spoonemore is a 1st grade teacher at Grandfield Elementary. Spoonemore says she became a teacher to help students accomplish their goals. “I love working with my students during their struggles because this is where they learn the most.” Spoonemore adds, “I love so many parts of being a teacher, but I am most proud of the connections I make with students and their families.” Grandfield Elementary principal Ramiro Longoria praises Spoonemore’s commitment to students and colleagues. “Caitlyn Spoonemore has been a great asset to Grandfield Public Schools. She works well with her colleagues and continues to be an excellent example for others. She goes above and beyond to ensure that all of her students' academic and social needs are met.” Ms. Spoonemore is a traditionally certified teacher in her second year of teaching. She is a 2019 graduate of the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.
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Christina Beverage
Oklahoma City Public Schools
Christina Beverage is a 5th grade ELA and social studies teacher at Webster Middle School. Her path to teaching began while working at a nonprofit organization that served students from Oklahoma City Public Schools. Beverage’s experiences inspired her to step into the classroom as an emergency certified teacher and focus intently on techniques to improve her students’ reading skills. Her advice for fellow novice teachers is to “take the mistakes you will undoubtedly make in the classroom and rework them until you find just the right combination for your students.” Ms. Beverage has set ambitious reading goals for her 5th graders and they have cheered each other on as they meet each milestone. While Ms. Beverage has honed her instructional skills, she has also built a collaborative classroom community where students know they are valued and feel intrinsically motivated to achieve. Beverage explains, “Now that we are back to in-person classes, I make an effort to affirm my students verbally, as well as keep positive affirmations visually around the room. I created a wall in my classroom that displays one characteristic or quality that I admire in each student. My goal is always for them to walk out my door each day knowing that they are seen and valued.” Webster Middle School principal, Victoria Echols, says that Ms. Beverage shines as a new teacher and has been able to push her students to academic success and build a positive classroom culture in ways that belie her short time in the classroom. Ms. Beverage is in her first year of teaching and she is a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma.
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Ellen Florek
Tulsa Public Schools
Ellen Florek teaches 6th-8th grade ESS (Severe-Profound Multiple Disabilities) at Monroe Demonstration Academy. Florek hopes her students see their own potential. “I hope that my students see their own brilliance and have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential for independence. My students are incredibly curious and capable, and my hope is that they have every opportunity to showcase their skills in the future in higher education, jobs, and the community.” Florek, who also coaches Monroe’s Able Athletes team, quickly points to the importance of relationships in the classroom. “I am most proud of the relationships I have with my students and their families. I believe that strong relationships are the foundation of teaching, and having rapport and trust with my students allows me to be a better teacher. Knowing what motivates my students, what they care about, and what they hope for themselves is my favorite aspect of the job.” Florek’s future plans include continued advocacy for a more robust independent living skills curriculum for students with severe/profound multiple disabilities. Monroe Demonstration Academy principal Rob Kaiser praises Florek’s excellence in the classroom. “Ms. Florek has been a true model of what it means to be a transformative educator. She cares deeply about her students and constantly fights to ensure that they have all the opportunities that they need to be successful. She creates a culture in her classroom that is warm and inviting and holds high expectations for all of her students.” Florek, originally from Cleveland, OH, is a graduate of Miami University (OH). She is alternatively certified.
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Emily Gonzalez
Mid-Del School District
Emily Gonzalez is an 8th grade math teacher at Midwest City Middle School. Ms. Gonzalez’s principal and colleagues are awed by how quickly she has learned skills more typical of verteran teachers. One colleague commented, “She is implementing inquiry-based lessons and gotten really close to the students within a matter of weeks. She is accomplishing things most people don't get until their 3rd or 4th year of teaching.” While focused on rigorous academic content, Gonzalez also prioritizes creating a classroom environment where students feel comfortable asking difficult questions and exploring their identities. “I love when they are honest about school systems and what they wish was different about learning. They really show me the changes that are possible in our futures.” Midwest City Middle School principal, Shane Sanders is equally optimistic about what Ms. Gonzalez represents for the teaching profession. “Her ‘real world’ approach and equity conscience lens has been vital to the resilience our math students have demonstrated this year. She's what's right in education! Ms. Gonzalez is a traditionally certified teacher in her first year of teaching. She is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma.
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Henry Mitchel Bibelheimer
Haskell Public Schools
Henry Mitchel Bibelheimer is a high school math teacher at Haskell High School. Mr. Bibelheimer’s teaching is grounded in pushing his students to engage in critical thinking and applying these skills to real world problems. He does this by encouraging students to take risks and building their confidence. “In the beginning of the year students were shy and too embarrassed to answer questions. Throughout the year I have seen students open up in my class, and now they are not embarrassed to answer a question, even when they get it wrong.” Mr. Bibelheimer’s principal and colleagues praise his ability to meet students' needs and design thoughtful lessons to break down challenging concepts. A veteran teacher and colleague adds, “He is very concerned about students and their attainment of skills. He has dedicated many hours to doing Google Meets, being at school for tutoring, searching out interesting ways of making the lesson relevant and meaningful. He is truly one of the best new teachers that I have seen in my 25 years of education.” Mr. Bibelheimer is an emergency certified teacher in his first year of teaching. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University.
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Jarred Bush
Cushing Public Schools
Jarred Bush teaches Spanish I at Cushing High School. Bush believes all students are capable of learning a foreign language. He says, “My goal is to create a safe and fun learning environment where all students can express and be themselves while learning a foriegn language.” Bush, an emergency-certified teacher in his second year in the classroom, says he’s proud of how much he’s learned as a new teacher. “I am proud of the confidence I have gained in the classroom. Teaching scared me in the beginning and I worried about every detail. The last two years in the classroom have pushed me out of my comfort zone, which has been scary, but worth it.” Cushing High School principal Mike Wayland praised Bush’s contribution to his students and the school. “Jarred Bush is an outstanding teacher that is always willing to go above and beyond for his students. He builds positive relationships with his students and he is definitely in the profession for the right reasons. Jarred has truly found his calling!” Bush is a graduate of Oklahoma State University. He is pleased to teach in his hometown.
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Kaitlin Wright
Okmulgee Public Schools
Kaitlin Wright teaches 2nd grade at Okmulgee Primary School. Wright emphasizes the importance of emotional safety as a prerequisite to learning. “Children learn best when they are comfortable and loved. I try my hardest to give every student a place to feel safe, loved, valued, but also to learn and have fun!” Covid has added additional challenges to the school year, but Wright still has a lot to celebrate. “It has been so exciting to watch my students grow academically. Despite Covid, students have learned and grown this year.” Okmulgee Primary School principal Jennifer Neal praised Wright’s work in the classroom. “Mrs. Wright strives to reach all students in her classroom. She integrates on-site and distance learning to benefit everyone. Mrs. Wright works well with her grade level team and shares insight and ideas with them.” Wright earned an associate’s Degree from Oklahoma State University’s Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s Degree from Northeastern State University. She is traditionally certified.
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Kaitlyn Hull
Lawton Public Schools
Kaitlyn Hull is a kindergarten teacher at Freedom Elementary School. Ms. Hull is an exceptionally well-rounded educator who continuously finds ways to increase academic rigor while also teaching crucial social and emotional skills. Kaitlyn leads by example and strives to validate her students’ feelings. “Anytime I make a mistake during class, I make sure to turn it into a learning experience. My students see that even adults make mistakes. I have taught my students skills to manage their reactions and hope they continue to incorporate these techniques moving forward.” Ms. Hull’s principal and colleagues praise her talent. “I consider her a tremendous asset to our school. It is difficult to find teachers with her teaching talent, ambition, and drive. Ms. Hull exhibits positive leadership for her grade level team by consistently sharing her ideas, resources, and knowledge for the betterment of the team. Her students love, respect, and thoroughly enjoy her classroom.” Ms. Hull is an emergency certified teacher in her first year of teaching. She is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University.
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Katherine D. Downing
Grove Public Schools
Katherine D. Downing is a biology teacher at Grove High School. Mrs. Downing comes to teaching after 28 years as a pharmacist. While she loved helping people improve or maintain their health, it didn’t compare to teaching. “I grew up in a family of teachers and everywhere I went someone stopped me to tell me how much my dad, sister or brother-in-law changed their life. I felt the need to make that difference to a young person and be a part of the reason they found success. I wanted to connect with students in a way that gave them the confidence that someone believed in them.” Downing dove into the art of teaching, learning from veterans, reading articles, and eventually taking a graduate course at NSU that she credits with transforming her classroom significantly. Grove High School principal, Renae Dozier, praises the skills she brings to her students. “Her field experience and natural leadership combine with a caring for students makes her stand out in the world of educators. She comes from a family line of educators and you can certainly tell it comes natural to her. She is a positive light in her students' lives daily, and has created a positive culture of learning in her classroom.” Mrs. Downing is an alternatively certified teacher in her second year of teaching. She is a graduate of Southwestern Oklahoma State University.
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Lauren Kelly
Varnum Public Schools
Lauren Kelly is a 6th-8th grade ELA and high school journalism teacher at Varnum Middle School. Kelly believes that middle grade students are especially wonderful to teach. “Too often, middle school students get written off as hormonal pre-teens or teenagers. But labeling middle schoolers as difficult isn’t fair at all! Teaching middle schoolers is full of incredible moments, real connections, and chances to bond with each other.” Kelly says that what she loves most about teaching is all the little moments when students learn or connect with one another. She says, “I love it when a lightbulb goes off for a student who has been struggling. I love it when a student is proud to share their work with me. I love it when a high-five in the hallway or a tough conversation leads to a breakthrough in understanding.” Varnum Middle School principal Amy Williams praised Kelly’s resilience and optimism as a first-year teacher during an unprecedented pandemic year. “Ms. Kelly has surpassed any expectations I would have of a first-year teacher and especially a first-year teacher during Covid times. Kelly, originally from Shawnee, Oklahoma, is an alternatively certified teacher and a graduate of Oklahoma State University.
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Leighton Loch
Ponca City Public Schools
Leighton Loch is a 2nd grade teacher at E.M. Trout Elementary School. Ms. Loch’s strengths in the classroom center on her insistence that building strong relationships with students spur learning and her relentless drive to develop a wide range of pedagogical skills. Loch eagerly learns from her colleagues and doesn’t shy away from asking questions. “It has never failed that I taught a new concept and then saw a much better way of doing it a week later. I am so thankful for teachers who are willing to share thoughts, ideas, and activities.” Leighton’s instructional coach praises her dedication. “She tries new strategies and implements ‘out of the box’ lessons. Her students know she loves them and are excited to come to school each day. I love Leighton’s willingness to ask questions and work together to promote student success!” Ms. Loch is a traditionally certified teacher in her first year of teaching. She is a graduate of Oklahoma State University.
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Morgan Dragg
Norman Public Schools
Morgan Dragg is a 1st grade teacher at Monroe Elementary School. Dragg graduated with a degree in early childhood education from the University of Oklahoma and she is deeply attuned to the needs of young learners. Ms. Dragg began the school year ready to take on the challenges that her first graders faced after missing the last few months of kindergarten due to Covid. Through thoughtful planning and cultivating a warm and welcoming classroom environment, all of Dragg’s students have shown growth in reading and she has seen tremendous improvement in their social emotional development. Above all, Morgan credits her classroom success to developing meaningful relationships with her students. “Since day one I made it a priority to create an environment in my classroom where my students felt safe and knew I was there for them no matter what.” Monroe Elementary school counselor, Kristin Atchley, praises Dragg’s talents. “She exudes joy and enthusiasm to her students. Morgan is that ideal teacher that forms quality relationships with students. She sees the brightest aspects in her students. She brings innovation, diversity, and creativity to her classroom everyday. Morgan truly is one of those people you want in your building. Her high support and high challenge she expects is spot on! She truly is a TOP educator.” Ms. Dragg is a traditionally certified teacher in her first year of teaching.
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Ray'Chel Wilson
KIPP Tulsa
Ray’Chel Wilson is a biology teacher at KIPP Tulsa University Preparatory High School. Ms. Wilson aims to empower students to ask questions and probe the world around them. Her hope is that all her students “will be able to live choice-filled lives.” She has dubbed her classroom “‘Ms. Wilson’s Room of Why” and reminds students that “there are no dumb questions.” Wilson draws on culturally relevant pedagogy to craft rigorous lessons that are joyful and engaging. She also strives to incorporate lessons related to diversity, equity and inclusion, and encourages all new teachers to “do the self-work to unpack personal biases and beliefs that may harm students.” Ms. Wilson says, “All students have a place in my classroom. I am dedicated to leveraging the strength of being my authentic self in the classroom, so my students can be their authentic selves as well. When students can be themselves, they feel safe. When students feel safe, they learn.” Principal Donterrio Marzett praises Wilson’s talents. “Ray'Chel Wilson is one to watch! She is a trailblazer and will be leading in some form or fashion in the near future!” Ms. Wilson is an alternatively certified teacher through Teach For America in her second year of teaching. She is a graduate of The Ohio State University - College of Public Health.
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Yesenia Vera
Guymon Public Schools
Yesenia Vera is a 3rd grade teacher at Academy Elementary. Mrs. Vera implements motivation strategies she learned from her mentor teacher to help students reach their reading and math goals, and persistently finds ways to ensure students master content. She explains, “If the students don’t understand the skills, I find ways to reteach the skill using other methods that they will understand. Not all kids learn the same way. I want to make sure I can reach them all.” While at the beginning of the year only 4 out of 23 students had met the benchmark, by the end of the year, only 6 students did not meet the benchmark for 3rd grade reading and 80 percent of students passed math benchmarks. Principal Melissa Watson praises Mrs. Vera’s flexibility and ability to cultivate strong relationships with students and families. She explains that she asked Yesenia to unexpectedly take on a full-time role while student teaching. “She stepped right into that classroom and we saw great student growth under her leadership. Mrs. Vera is an outstanding educator who works hard to ensure all students feel valued in her classroom. She builds relationships with not only those students but their parents as well. Her ability to adapt and excel with change and upheaval sets her apart from other novice teachers.” Mrs. Vera is a traditionally certified teacher in her second year of teaching. She is a graduate of Oklahoma Panhandle State University.
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